Tag Archives: announcements

Writing the Flood is this Saturday!

Writing the Flood

Open the gates and let your writing voice flow

A half-day, open-topic writing workshop!

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Announce: Summer 09 Workshops with Writing Ourselves Whole!

Writing Ourselves Whole:
transformative writing workshops for the SF Bay Area

Contact: Jen Cross

Are you looking for an opportunity to create some new and powerful writing in an invigorating, supportive writing community? This June and July, Writing Ourselves Whole is pleased to be offering two full 8-week writing workshops and a Saturday writing retreat:

  • Write Whole: Survivors Write. Monday evenings, June 1 – July 27. Open to all women survivors of sexual trauma.

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  • 2009 Workshop Schedule!

    Hello all!

    I’ve finally got the 2009 workshop schedule up on the Writing Ourselves Whole website — http://www.writingourselveswhole.org/ClassSchedule.htm.

    Coming up, we have a Saturday Write Whole Intensive in March, and the Spring workshops begin in April.

    Have a look — and let me know if I can hold you a space!

    Celebrate the new year with new words! Winter 2008 Workshops Begin Soon –

    Transformative writing workshops:
    Winter 2008 sessions begin January 7, 8 and 9.

    Erotic writing workshops and workshop for survivors of sexual trauma begin soon! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about these special topic writing workshops: jennifer@writingourselveshwhole.org.


    ~ Transforming our language is one way we transform our lives. ~

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    This Sat: Self-healing meditation retreat

    Rev. Trinity Ordona is leading a self-healing meditation retreat this weekend, which sounds amazing!

    Have you tried meditation, but you cannot sit still without . . . memories or problems taking over your mind? Having trouble “letting go” of the past?

    Pain, Disappointment, Anger, Anxiety

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