April is both National Poetry Month and National Sexual Assault Month — and, as a result, I’ve often thought of it as Writing Ourselves Whole month. I’m beginning to come out of my hibernation — here’s a little of what’s coming up around these parts:
April 23: Locker Room Talk: Confronting Sexual Assault in the Age of Trump – For Sexual Assault Awareness Month, “Locker Room Talk” presents motivational speakers, an expert panel discussion, and artists’ performances to address how electing a sexual predator to the Presidency impacts our social climate… especially efforts to curb the sexual assault epidemic. With Culture of Consent, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, BAWAR(Bay Area Women Against Rape), The Body Is Not an Apology, and featuring Mona Webb, Melanie Hamlett, Sonya Renee Taylor, Kitty Strykerand Austin Willacy, and Writing Ourselves Whole (among others!). Sunday, April 23, 4 PM – 8 PM, East Bay Community Space, 507 55th St., Oakland, CA 94609. Tickets and more details here.
April 29: Perverts Put Out – PERVERTS PUT OUT!’s MAYDAY! EDITION: The First of May is traditonally Workers’ Day and this year marks a national day of resistance. And hey, it’s spring and the sap is rising! Perverts Put Out! celebrates all that…and more. Co-hosts Dr. Carol Queen and Simon Sheppard and some of the world’s most brilliant pervert performers will fly the flag of lust-soaked resistance. Join us! Saturday. April 29th, 2017. Doors 7:00, show 8:00. At The Center for Sex and Culture, 1349 Mission Street, San Francisco, $10-20 sliding scale, no one turned away. (Show’s always a benefit for the Center for Sex and Culture).
And watch this space for more information about upcoming writing groups, including the first Write Whole: Survivors Write since 2015…