Tag Archives: registration

Fall workshops begin in October!

Registration open for Fall workshops!
Join us!

Beginning in October, I’m again offering three AWA-method workshops: our Monday night Write Whole group for women survivors of sexual trauma, the Tuesday night erotic workshop (open to all genders!), and our Wednesday morning women’s sensuality writing workshop!

Write Whole: Survivors Write
Monday evenings 10/6-12/1.
Gather with other women survivors of sexual trauma to create new art and new beauty out of the difficult and complicated realities of our lives. You’ll be encouraged to trust the flow of your own writing, and receive immediate feedback about the power of your words!

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Reminder: Summer writing workshops begin next week!

Eight-week writing workshops
With Writing Ourselves Whole!

Summer workshops begin July 14 and 15

**Write Whole-Survivors Write**
meets Monday evenings, beginning July 14.
Open to women survivors of sexual trauma.
Gather with other survivors to create new art and new beauty out of your experiences, and deepen your sense of wholeness. (note: both “woman” and “survivor” are intended to be self-defined.)

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Erotic/sensuality writing workshops begin next week!

EDIT: Note new workshop start dates!

There are still spaces available in both of the Writing Ourselves Whole sensuality/erotic writing workshops that begin next Tuesday, 5/6, and Wednesday, 5/7 — please spread the word!

Register at http://www.writingourselveswhole.org/Contact.htm!

Declaring Our Erotic begins Tuesday evening, May 6. Open to folks of all sexualities and all genders!

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