Mary Journal is seeking submissions

"call for submissions"For those of you looking for places to share your work — found this in my inbox today and wanted to share it with you all!

Dear writers,

Mary is in search of great work to publish. We’re sending out a call for poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction for our upcoming Summer issue.

Mary is the online literary journal sponsored by Saint Mary’s College of California’s MFA in Creative Writing program. Since 2002, Mary has published contemporary poetry, prose, and new media arts from a diverse group of established artists, including Peter Orner, Brian Doyle, Gillian Conoley, Bruce Smith, Elizabeth Robinson, Nora Pierce, Rebecca Curtis, Brian Glaser, Carol Snow, Maria Hummel, as well as talented emerging writers. MARY Magazine has conducted interviews with award-winning writers such as Michael Palmer, Pico Iyer, Andrew Sean Greer, Nick Flynn, Phil Jenks, Cristina Garcia, Susan Steinberg, Michael Pollen, John D’Agata, Jo Ann Beard, Mary Roach, Forrest Gander, and Chris Abani.

There is no fee to submit.  Writers selected for standard publication are awarded $50.  Those who are chosen for our Nouveau section, which is dedicated to emerging writers who have not yet been published, are not paid.  Please visit for more information and submission guidelines.  When you’re ready to submit, send work to  The deadline for our Summer issue is May 15, 2011.  Thank you for your time.  We look forward to reading your work!

Paul Barrett

Managing Editor

Another great place to think about sharing your work! All good thoughts and best-submitting wishes to you…

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