What better way to honor Writing Ourselves Whole Month than by giving yourself the opportunity to let your own words flow. Come and join us at one of our many writing spaces. Here’s our upcoming schedule:
One-with-One, Private Writing Sessions
Get your writing out and onto the page in a private writing session with Jen. We will talk together about your vision for your writing practice or project, and Jen will develop individualized prompts to help free up your words, reconnect with your creative instinct, and release what wants to be written. Sessions held in person (in your home or in a cafe) or via Skype. Fee for these sessions is $125/hour. Contact Jen for more information or with questions.
Write Whole-Survivors Write. Open to all survivors of trauma
8 Monday evenings beginning April 21, 2013.
Fee: $365 (ask about scholarship/payment plan, if needed)
A survivor-centered, supportive, and transformative creative writing community, meets in private workshop space in Oakland, near Lake Merritt
Gather with other trauma survivors and write in response to exercises chosen to elicit deep-heart writing around such subjects as body image, family/community, sexuality, dreams, love, faith, and more.
Writing the Flood. A monthly writing workshop open to all
Meets the third Saturday of every month
Limited to 12. Fee is $50 (with a sliding scale)
Meets in private workshop space in Oakland, near Lake Merritt
Write in response to exercises designed to get those pens moving, and get onto the page the stories that have been too long stuck inside
Next Flood Write meets Saturday, April 19, 1-4:30 pm.
Mark your calendars now: May 17, June 14, July 16.
Dirty Words-San Francisco. A monthly erotic writing group
Meets the fourth Saturday of every month
Limited to 12. Fee is $50 (with a sliding scale)
Meets in San Francisco at the Center for Sex and Culture
(1349 Mission in San Francisco)
Join this fun and supportive group of writers and dive into your own sexy and surprising new writing! No previous writing experience necessary!
Next Dirty Words meets April 26, 1-4:30 pm!
Create the space in your spring for the power of your good words! All workshops facilitated by Jen Cross. Email me with any questions, or visit our contact page to register!