Hello writers & writers-to-be!
We’ve got a few workshops coming up this month and next around Writing Ourselves Whole, and I’d love to write with you!
- September 17: Writing the Flood
- September 28: Erotic Reading Circle
- Beginning October 3: Write Whole: Survivors Write: 8 Monday evenings, 6-8:30. Open to all women who are survivors of sexual trauma
Registration is open — Please sign up early, and avoid that late-registration fee! - October 15: LitQuake’s LitCrawl! I get to participate in Carol Queen’s Good Vibrations reading again this year, during Phase 2 of the LitCrawl (7:15-8:15)
- November 12: Reclaiming our Erotic Story (Sacramento)— a daylong writing workshop (10am-5pm); open to writers of all genders and all sexual orientations!
- November 13: Write Whole: Survivors Write (Sacramento) — a daylong writing workshop (10am-5pm); open to survivors of all genders