This morning I’m headed out to the Amherst Writers and Artists Facilitator Training — the trainees have been gathered for several days already, learning the basics of the method and beginning to push into themselves to find out why they want to do this work. I’ll get to help out with the practice groups, when the fledgling facilitators lead an exercise for the first time using the method, with other trainees & instructors as the writers. I can’t wait.
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Thank you so very much to everyone who donated to my fundraising effort, raising money to attend the Tomales Bay Workshops this October. You all helped me to raise 3/4 of the tuition — that’s absolutely amazing, and I am deeply grateful.
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There was something else I wanted to tell you about this morning — on our walk there was a skunk with tail up, running under an SUV. Sophie and I took off in the other direction. Also, a grey heron down by the shore. Last night, the Mr and I watched Silkwood, and after it was over, I didn’t really want to go out into the dark and take Sophie for her bedtime walk: everything felt tainted and threatening.
There’s not time right now, to remember what it was. Time to shower, drive out to the country to commune with writing group energy. I get to share a bunch of my favorite exercises.
This could be a prompt for today: Write what you forgot. Take 10 minutes, notice whatever comes up when you read that sentence, and just before you get in the shower, or over a coffee or lunch break today, write.
Thanks for your persistence, the way you hold space for what has taken leave, taken a break, gone into retreat or hibernation, to reemerge. Thanks for your creative generosity. Thank you for your words.