The Spring workshop series kick off in April, and there are still a few spaces available in each — I’d love to write with you!
- Saturday, April 6: Writing the Flood (our monthly writing group open to all)
- April 7: Dive Deep (our advanced, manuscript-driven workshop)
- April 8: Write Whole – online (open to all queer survivors of trauma)
- April 15: Write Whole – in Oakland (our trauma survivors writing group)
Read on for more information about each of these events— and visit our Sign Up page to register!
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April 7: Dive Deep opens to new divers. DD is a manuscript-centered workshop, where your creative project will receive generous feedback, and where you can blossom into the fullness of your vision in supportive and engaged community.
This workgroup is designed for those who have delved into (or are ready to commit to) the deep dive of a large writing project: a novel; poetry, story or essay collection; play or screenplay; daily blogging; preparing work for publication; or any other long-term writing project.
Yes, writing’s a solitary pursuit, but no writer completes a long work alone!
Divers meet three times per month for writing exercises, project check-in and accountability, manuscript feedback, coaching and peer support. This group can help you meet your writing goal, and provide community and encouragement as you go deep into a writing project. This is necessary work you’re doing: give yourself all the tools and support you need.
Two spaces are available. Contact me to bring your project into the fold!
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April 15: Write Whole-Survivors Write. 8 Monday evenings, 6:30-9:00pm. This session will be open to all trauma survivors; folks of all genders are welcome.
Survivors of trauma all need a place in which to open our stories to the page and have them held and witnessed in community. I am committed to making this group as accessible as possible. We have scholarships and a sliding scale available for this workshop, and can always work out payment plans. There are just a few spaces still open. We meet in a comfortable and private space in Oakland.
Gather with others who have experienced trauma and let your story find its words. We write in response to exercises chosen to elicit deep-heart writing, and deal with such subjects as: loss, body image, family/community, sexuality, dreams, love, faith, and more. You’ll be encouraged to trust the flow of your own writing, and receive immediate feedback about the power of your writing.
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April 8: Write Whole – online!
Six-week writing group open to all queer survivors of trauma
For those not in the Bay Area and therefore unable to attend in-person workshops, or for those uncomfortable with or less inclined toward joining us in person, we’re offer online versions of our survivors (Write Whole) writing groups. Participation in the writing groups is all asynchronous: you access exercises and readings, write and post your responses, and offer feedback on others’ writings as works best for your schedule.
I will offer two prompts plus a topic for conversation every week — at the end of these six weeks, you will have a surprising and powerful new collection of writing, and a strong new online writing community.
No special software required–just a web browser, Internet connection, and desire to write into your deepest stories. Open to all queer survivors of trauma: this is not specific to sexual violence– anyone who identifies as queer/LGBT/Same-Gender Loving and as a survivor of trauma is welcome to participate in this group.
The fee for this six-week workshop is on a sliding scale, $150-100 (if you’re able to pay at the higher end of the scale, know that you’re supporting other writers!); as for my other trauma workshops, I do happily work with folks around finances — don’t let money be the reason you’re not participating, ok? Some scholarships are available, and we can always work out payment plans.
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April 6: Writing the Flood – meeting the first Saturday this month!
Writing the Flood meets (mostly) every third Saturday from 1-4:30pm. This is a writing group for anyone looking to prime the writing pump: using the Amherst Writers and Artists method, we will write together in response to exercises designed to get those pens moving, and get onto the page the stories, poems, essays, images and voices that have been stuck inside for too long. This is a time to play on the page, get started on new work, get creative with a larger project, or write yourself through a ‘block.’
Upcoming 2013 dates:
- Saturday, April 6
- Saturday, May 18
- Saturday, June 15
*We’re meeting this month on the first instead of the third Saturday!
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Contact me with any questions, or to register to write!