I’m playing a bit with tag and word clouds; being, like so many of us, in love with words themselves, I’m particularly partial to art that incorporates words and written language, so these collections of words feel almost like a graphic to me, being that the context is removed from the content, and I just get to be with the words themselves, with a visual of how often the writer has used those words (larger generally equals more frequently repeated).
I wanted to play around some with a piece I wrote in a workshop several months ago: here’s the tag cloud for this piece that tagcrowd.com gave me:
answer around careening caught chairs change circle dug enough erotic exactly fly folks formed fronts grapes grief happen joy lift magic minutes moment mouths open optimism page pen people possibility potential really risk room sat scrawled seems shirts snack snuck stays surprising sweaty table tangible think vague words writing yes
created at TagCrowd.com
And here is the tagCloud generated on the same piece by wordle.com:
I’m very excited about the creative possibilities here…